Feminist Street Initiative

In the spirit of the fifth anniversary of the Women’s March, Womens March Foundation officially launched the Feminist Street Initiative to“reclaim our streets” and rename streets across the United States to reflect the names of those women who have paved the way and earned their place in history. The initiative comes on the cusp of Women’s History Month and in response to the pandemic, which forced marchers indoors and birthed the idea of maintaining women’s presence on the streets even when they could not gather. Read on to learn more and get involved.

About the Feminist Street Initiative

In a country where there are 240 million streets, 5,000 named after George Washington alone, more than three-quarters of streets are named after men and very few named after women. The Feminist Street Initiative aims to rebalance the scales and ensure that women are counted. The initiative will make visible the names and intersectional public history of art, labor, and social justice organizers who have blazed a trail, broken glass ceilings, and earned their mark in history. The initiative is also focused on uplifting women, both living and posthumously, who have contributed to community building and community formation and whose legacy is inherited beyond the cities in which they were born and aims to include women who are Indigenous, Black, and people of color.

Women have contributed significantly to history, but we’ve been rendered invisible at every turn. The Feminist Street Initiative aims to change that and make sure the women who have shaped the world we live in get the recognition they deserve. If you would like to volunteer, or have a feminist woman whom you believe needs to be honored in your city, town, or state, let us know. We would love to hear your ideas and will guide you through the street-naming process step by step. We are also looking for partners and organizations to help us ensure the legacies of historic women are preserved in our streets forever!

The first phase of the Feminist Street Initiative aims to rename streets, including those listed below but we are just getting started and would love to hear your ideas. Send us an email at feminist@WomensMarchFoundation.org.

Donate to the FSI
Donate and help reclaim our streets to reflect the names of those women who have paved the way and earned their place in history.

Join our Team
Join our team and make our initiative come to life in your city!

Send Suggestions
Have an idea of a woman you want to see honored? Share it here.

Help ensure that the scales are balanced and that women who have paved the way and continue to pave the way are cemented equally into history.

Press Inquires

For Press Inquires, please contact us directly.